About the Artist
Hello :) My name is Olivia Carlson Keene and I cannot help but create art wherever I go. For me, art is how I interpret, understand and ultimately give thanks to the world and beings around me. I currently am loving making beaded art, writing and drawing/painting both digitally and traditionally. When I am not making art or walking my dog in New Mexico, I am teaching sailing and backcountry living on both the Atlantic and Gulf of California. Having intimacy and presence with whatever I am encountering feels like the most important part of doing art to me, or really doing anything or being anywhere for that matter. As I move through this life, the patterns and colors and rhythms around me are what inspire me to create. It is my hope that you can see the beauty I see through my words, beads and doodles.
When I Returned from Rome
bird took flight.
And a flower in a field whistled at me
as I passed.
I drank
from a stream of clear water.
And at night the sky untied her hair and I fell asleep
clutching a tress
of God’s.
When I returned from Rome, all said
“Tell us the great news,”
and with great excitement, I did: “A flower in a field whistled,
and at night the sky untied her hair and
I fell asleep clutching a
sacred tress …”
~Saint Francis of Assisi